
What is the local currency in Jamaica?

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I am going there in September and wondering should I bring dollars and local currency - but I don't know what the local currency is !

Help please - thanks




  1. Jamaica dollars. Exchange rate is anywhere between 68.50-71.50 to every us dollar depending on who breaks the money for you.

  2. jamacian dollars, j's for short.  currently listed at $71 jamaican dollars to $1 US dollar from banks and western union and such banking industries.  quite sure soon someone will chime in and tell you what the 'real world rate' (average on the street) is going for. usually a few dollars less than what's listed.

  3. the local currency is jamiacan dollars

    1.00 US Dollar  = 71.1200 Jamaican Dollar

  4. Jamaican dollars.

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