
What is the longest YOU'VE ever played a single game of monopolyfor?

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What is the longest YOU'VE ever played a single game of monopolyfor?




  1. 3 hrs. finally got tired and ended the game.

  2. A week.

  3. I do play by the origanal rules and my game lasted roughly 15 hours,(We played part of it one day, and the rest the next, we needed a break, & it was 2 players.)

  4. I agree with above poster about playing by the real rules, but monopoly is so boring and i dont think ive ever finished a game if it.          I prefer - LIFE:twists and turns.

  5. I started playing a game as the boot when i was just a fetus.. ive been through 2 world wars but im still playing it

  6. Nearly 3 hours!

  7. about an hour

  8. i was playing for about four to five hours after that my back was really sore for sitting all that time

  9. If you play by the rules AS WRITTEN, the game only takes about 90 minutes. People keep adding house rules to 'make it more fun', then complain when those same rules end up dragging out the game for 6 hours.

    Most house rules put more money in players' hands, making it next to impossible to bankrupt them.

    Here are the rules that most people get wrong:

    - You get NOTHING for landing on 'Free Parking', ever.

    - You are allowed to buy properties on your first time around the board.

    - If someone lands on a property and doesn't buy it, it goes up for auction from the bank immediately. Any starting bid is legal, and the person who declined to buy may bid as well.

    - You don't get $400 for landing on 'Go'. It's still only $200.

    Read the rules and play by them, and you may actually enjoy your next game.

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