
What is the longest anyone as had to wait for a USPS package to be delivered?

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I ordered a wii on ebay on jan 25, 2008. The tracking number on usps website says it left Jacksonville, FL on Jan 28 at 5 am. It is now Feb 9 and the tracking number still displays the same message.




  1. call ups ... it should not take this long

  2. it NEVER seems to get updated-- you might get it tomorrow.

    the longest i've waited was 10 business days...

    if you want, call the jacksonville, fl post office and ask if it's still there.

  3. Mine seemed to disappear like that for a while.  As it turns out, the postal service had damaged the packaging and had sent it somewhere to be repaired and my package was quite late.  None of this showed up on the online tracking.  But, you should call just in case.

  4. I ordered a dress back in November, waiting until mid-December, called them, and they said they had lost the package...

    What sucks even more is that they never thought to notify that they had lost my package...

  5. you should call UPS.  there are sometimes reasons (tornados, blizzards) where things get slowed down.  I waited a almost two weeks once, but if you call them they will have someone go out and find it.

  6. 47 days

  7. What class of mail was used? What zip code is it going to?

    Packages will go to a central hub....I've had one disappeaer in there for a month!

  8. ask forest gump

  9. i had one that i waited like 3 months and it never came. it left and i guess it got lost. ups is better for tracking. usps are dummys. it only does it when it leaves and when it gets there. and by the time it gets there you already know it cause you have it. kinda retarded. more for the sender than the reciever...

  10. i don't believe it's usps.  i believe it's fedex with usps tracking.  whenever i order from anywhere, and they ship with fedex, most of the time my packages aren't delivered.  one time, it came after three months.  i live in an island in the pacific, and usps is the best way for shipping and handling.  the longest wait for them was about two weeks.  shortest?  about 4 days - i was hooked!

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