
What is the longest distance away you have (coincidentally) met somebody you know?

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I live in the UK, and once when on holiday in Florida I met somebody who I knew from school at Universal Studios. Then the next day of the holiday my brother saw somebody who he played tennis with at home, in a mall car park. Both meetings totally coincidental, didn't know those people were in florida.

What's your furthest coincidental meeting?




  1. I met a friend of my mums on the subway in New York, totally coincidental - very bizarre!

  2. We went from UK to Australia and at check- in coming home my husband met someone he worked with 30 years ago!

  3. I met someone on the cruise pier in Nassau in the Bahama's...we were both from Blackpool.

  4. I'm from California; I ran into a former student at a bar in Leuven, Belgium.

  5. omg wot a coincidence. i lived in qatar and i bumbed into my rugby coach in universal studios florida. thats weird

  6. Tunisia met someone from the small village where I live and people from the next village from me too.weird

  7. My friend and I were walking a long the beach in Candolim Goa, when someone shouted our names and when we looked round a couple who go in our local pub were waving at us,and a few days later two of my customers who come into the shop I work in walked past us and lo and behold my friends son`s neighbours  were in a restaurant  we went in. By the way we are from Lancashire, and how is that for coincidences

  8. It's actually funny. My coworker at the time and I both work at a company in New York City. I traveled with a friend of mine to Italy, and we had JUST gotten to Milano and were taking a train down to Rome. We looked liked c**p, we were tired, and we just wanted to get to Rome and pass out. My buddy and I got on the train and I was watching this guy trying to cram his luggage into the luggage hold. I kept watching him, thinking, "That guy looks really familiar." He turned around and it turned out to be me coworker! It was totally random, and we initially went, "What the eff?" It still makes me giggle.

  9. I live in Cleveland. Once I was leaving a restaurant in Amsterdam and saw a Dutch couple I used to drink with in a small town in Holland at least a year earlier. Was a total surprise, they had a new baby too.

  10. i live in austria, once i was on holiday in peru and met one of my teachers, that was really weird

  11. In the middle of an open air working museum by Zaandam in Holland  I met one of the directors of the company I work for in England

  12. I bumped into someone in my P.E class when I was at school in Cyprus and we didn't know each other was going, so it was quite disturbing.

  13. This type of thing happend to me twice

    Once while walking the streets of london I ran into a Girl I had met in Bangkok

    and another time while waiting for the bus in Berlin I ran into someone i met in Rio de janeiro

    Neither two of these individuals I had kept in touch with and had no idea where they would be during their holidays

  14. 5 miles away.

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