
What is the longest distances a man can pee?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering.




  1. depends on his height and windage.  

  2. I don' t know. I would make for a good competition though, here in this section.

  3. Ha, nice question... I would guess if you really had to go you could around 15 feet...I know i have prolly peed around 7-9 feet before im prolly not the strongest pee'r out there

  4. It would depend on how bad you had to pee

    and if you squeeze your pee hole so as to make it

    smaller, then you can make your pee go much further.

    Take care.

  5. lol! this is a cause for a contest for world records! lol--i wonder if there is a world record for it..hmm...

  6. idk, go outside and pee, and measure it, but make sure u've been holding it in for a while for it to go further.

  7. what makes u ask dis? ill ask my girlfriend 2 measure it 4 u

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