
What is the longest period of time you've gone without eating at a restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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If so, was the reason to save money, to eat healthier, both, another reason?




  1. Months.  I enjoy shopping & cooking my own meals.  I know what does & doesn't go into the food.

  2. Well, if were talking about Denny's, I won't even spend the pennies.

    Now, if were talking about fine dinin', it's been a long time since I get to drunk from all the whinin'

    On a serious note, went to Shogun's and got robbed so now I Sho-mine's (haven't been robbed since)

    No, in reality, it has been at least a few month's since I have been out to a restaurant to eat and it simply was to save money.

  3. year, no just didn't have the money

  4. 6 months ago, no particular reason, just tat it was in da morning, da mall wasn't completely open yet & i didn't eat yet at da time.

  5. If you mean actually sitting inside and eating, months.  If you mean just going and picking it up, I've gone about a couple of weeks before.

  6. A month maybe, was low on cash

  7. I once waited at Dennys for:

    15 minutes to sit down when I was the only person waiting

    15 minutes for a drink order

    30 minutes for a server to come up to me

    27 minutes to get my house salad which was the only thing i ordered

  8. A couple of months without eating out..., because I love to cook, and its less expensive.

    ...But when I do eat out I enjoy it more

    ...I prefer to order in ,and watch a good movie, now and then.

  9. 6 years

  10. two days, there's only me and my husband, it's cheaper

    there was a lady on good morning America that celebrated her 100th birthday and she had never eaten in a restaurant. she said she did not trust anyone elses cooking.

  11. Never more than a week.   Most likely to try and be healthier.  I hate to cook so it never lasts long.

  12. 40 days....

  13. 1 1/2 hrs...huge line...graduation night..

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