
What is the longest range nuculare missiles Iran has?

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I read online that Iran has medium and long range nuculare missels- perhaps Yahoo News. Is this so and how far can they go?




  1. The latest version of the Shahab-3 (recently tested) has a range of about 2,000km; enough to threaten most of the middle east (including Israel, allied troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and oil shipping lanes), large parts of South Asia and a small part of SE Europe.

    Note this is just a missile:

    Iran is not known or believed to have any nuclear missiles.

    Correction to Dylan, these missiles cannot get past the Balkans; London is well out of range.

  2. 2,000 kilometers ---They have Shahab missiles.  they are capable of carrying a nuclear Warhear, but they haven't got nukes...yet.  They are called ballistic missiles.  They can reach London and Tel Aviv, however, their accuracy has a range of a whole kilometer...very poor.  Israel has the Arrow Missile Defense System, therefore, about 98% of all incoming Iranian missiles will be blown up upon midflight or descent.

    CLICK on the link;  It is wonderful info.

    ^ ^ EVEN BETTER.

  3. They Can reach Israel thats For Sure !

    AND Iran Does not have any "nuculare" missles !

  4. it's supposition to answer this question, you might want to find out how effective the counter-measures would be to any potential missiles launched from Iran, or how quickly a response from US or Israel would be launched. (you call off your missie and we call off ours. no fingers crossed now)

    To make a fair answer to your question, nobody has proved that Iran has any nuclear missiles. check that, there is no proof of that supposition whatsoever. people who say that Iran DO have nukes refuse to cite their proof or say that it's "top secret", which usually means that it's BS. check the WMD situation around the iraq invasion 2003

  5. u should see this matter from diffrent sides i know that my country had some missiles that didnt show up yet and of course  that can reach every where

  6. Iran does not have Nuclear Missles.

  7. it dosnt matter anymore as a small bomb delivered to your local railway station has more effect nowadays and harder to detect

  8. until middle of 2009

  9. Tel Aviv and European capitals not US.

  10. nothing compared to the US or Russia,  Iran has nothing at all that can touch the USA soil, so don't you worry

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