
What is the longest range with a .410...?

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This winter im going to be hunting coyotes with a .410, whats the longest, accurate range i shoul be shooting from?




  1. assuming your using slugs - 50 yards, same as a 12 gauge. But make sure it's not a full choke .410, I've split the end on one .410 shooting slugs

  2. The other guys are right - about 40 yards as a practical maximum. My stock answer on the range of shotguns is "about 10 feet less than whatever you're shooting at".

  3. With slugs, you might hit one at 40 yards, but not likely a killing shot. Even at 30 yards it'll be iffy. Coyote are a very wary animal, 150 yards is more likely. Try to locate an inexpensive scope sighted bolt action rifle. Center fire at least a .223, a 30-06 is more than you need. Just about any rifle that is used for deer hunting is enough to kill a coyote cleanly.  IMHO a .410 is more likely to wound the animal and have it suffer a long lingering death.  

  4. The closer the better whether your using rilled slugs or Buck shot, but preferably 35 yards maximum with a 410 shotgun.*

  5. Max 50 yards with a slug.  

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