
What is the longest time you have become unavailable to people ?

by  |  earlier

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unreachable maybe because of work dedication / vacation / away on visit . other reasons..

i work away and at home / i am often away for very long period, sometimes 7 month / not even family besides eldest sister knew of where i was.

in average day im hardly ever around because very busy or business / i can be found occasional maybe in the kitchen / dining areas of the winery which is where i work / live.




  1. I'm only ever really unavailable to strangers because they don't know me.

  2. Usaually about 8 hours when im snoring in bed

  3. when im sick

  4. Sometimes I just need "a Me Day"  I just spend the day doing what I want to do.  It happens maybe 2-3 times a year.  I don't answer the phone, shut off the cell.  I just enjoy me.

  5. A couple of years, when I moved out from my parents and wouldn't speak to them (moved abroad to it). Only my closest friend knew where I was.

  6. 2 years, When I really couldn't be bothered with anyone I knew.

    I'm not a lot better now, but I do keep in touch with my sister.

  7. Once when I went to the toilet.

  8. in average day im hardly ever around because very busy or business / i can be found occasional maybe in the kitchen / dining areas of the winery which is where i work / live

  9. Never for long as I am too family orientated.  Doesn't mean I don't have a life or enjoy a bit of 'me time' I just like to be part of a family,

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