
What is the longest time you have kept your car and how many miles are on it?

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I have a 1994 Volvo and I'm not planning on selling it anytime soon.




  1. The longest I have ever kept a car is nine and a half years.  It's the one I drive now.  A 1998 Subaru Outback that has been driven 336,000 miles.  It's a great car that has held up well the past nine or ten Michigan winters.  Some rust but it still drives well and I hope to see one half a million miles on the odometer one day.

  2. 1987 Caddy  4 door was the last one 287000 with one eng rebuild and resto job in 95 ,sold to a buddy that is still running hard and going to take it so.of the border to in laws shop to have it totally redone again.I keep all my cars to well over 200000 and pull all the proper maint.when required. Good Luck Robert H

  3. personal record was a 1999 1/2 ton Chevrolet.  I owned it for 7 years, sold with 115,000 showing.

    Mom drove the same Mustang for 20 years, racking up only about 70,000 miles.

    Dad kept his '80 Volvo diesel 17 years and 250,000 miles.  He traded it to charity for a tax break when even I, the family scrounge, couldn't find parts for it anymore.

    Right now, I drive an '05 Wrangler with about 30,000 on it.

  4. I've had my 2003 Toyota Corolla since early 2003(go figure). About 75,000 and I personally maintain it as best I can. Still runs just like new. It's just dirty as **** and it's been keyed up a few times.

  5. I have a 1996 Chevy Tahoe that I've owned it since new. It has 112K miles on it and I could say it drives the same as the day I bought it.  I do all the maintenance on it myself.

  6. I have a 1959 VW Beetle that belonged to my Grandma since it was brand new.  It was the only car she ever owned.  I asked her if I could have the car when I was four.  She told me I could have it "when I grew up".

    She gave it to me in 1987 when she could no longer drive.  It now has 55,000 original miles.  All original.  I will keep this car the rest of my life!

  7. Let's see, I've had my 1951 Lincoln Cosmopolitan Sport Sedan for the past seventeen years.  Have had our '78 Lincoln Continental Town Car for the past thirty years and our '91 Mercury Grand Marquis for sixteen years and our '01 Chrysler Sebring convertible for six years.  None of the above cars will be sold.

  8. Had a 92 Caprice that I kept for 10 years and put 247K on it, all on the original drive train. Sold it for $350 to a friend of my daughter. He drove it for another year and 20K miles before he blew up the engine. ;-)

    I currently have 2 91 GM b-body wagons that both have more than 200K on them. One has had the tranny replaced, but the other is all original.

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