
What is the longest you think that a summer sports practice should be allowed to last?

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Mine is four hours long for volleyball! With a half-hour dinner break! I am not complaining, just simpy wondering if that's considered long or short...for High School's my first year of High School this year, and tomorrow is the first volleyball practice.....I was curious!




  1. I guess it depends on how hot it is, how hard the practice is and how many water breaks you get.  But normal is an hour or an hour and a half - maybe having two a day practices, one early in the day and then one after school hours or evening for the first couple of weeks.  Surely the 4 hour practice is just for awhile to see how many serious people are willing to play.  Seems like we did a lot of running in practice in volleyball, and when you think about it wouldn't of made more sense to practice drills and skills and the actual game more????

  2. don't be complaining my friend, we have practice from 9 to 3, and have a half hour break... at twelve...this is normal because the coaches want to take there time to see which athlete will with stand their tasks and which will just keep working hard. Over this week, you might not know it, but the coaches are debating wether to keep you over another girl...if you are working hard enough or no matter what, never slow down, and keep pushing your self, don't complain, and always stay on top. When you get a break to eat, don't eat anything unhealthy, because the coaches do watch how you can work after you eat... eat something light.. that way you will still be in tip top shape to keep working hard. youll do good.. good luck

  3. Thats an intrested question about 1hour

  4. 2 secants

  5. mines 4 hours and we dont get no dinner breaks, we get drills

  6. Well, how many days a week do you do it?  I did 2 hour training at 6am for crew - I suppose four would be long, but I don't suppose volleyball players try to bulk up...

  7. an hour

  8. about 5 hour atleast

    well u r going to intramurals these are not real practice trust me volleyball is way easier than football or wrestling

  9. hello folks! ^ ^

  10. That is way too long.  I don't ever remember my basketball practices that long.  I think they were maybe 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Maybe because it's the first practice and the coach goes over other things prior to the practice?

  11. Thats considered long.. too long... my pratice is only 30 minutes long..

  12. we practice from 1 1/2 to 2 hours about 4 days a week. I play freshman indoor volleyball. yours is way too long.

  13. JEZZZ!! THAT IS A REALLY LONG PRACTICE!! THEY ARE USAUALLY AROUND 2-3 TOPS!!!! WOW!! u should say something to the coach about that!! if u have to have a dinner break in between than that is WAY to long!!! plus its not good to do sports right after u eat!! if u happen to eat to much u could get sick!! i would not do a  4 hour practice!! and in ur 1st year of highschool, too that is crazy!!! well, good luck!! and i really think that is WAY to long of a practice!! the longest practice i ever had was 2 1/2 hours mabye 3!!! well bye!! have fun!! : )

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