
What is the low to high range of the tempaertures in a tropical rainforest???

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any other information about the tropical rainforest would be great




  1. The temperature range during the day in a rain forest is high, but for the year its low. Here are some great links to help you out.

  2. tropical rain forests have heavy rainfall all year round. as a result, they are generally denser, and contain far more species of trees. the luxuriant evergreen equatorial forests thrive in climates where the daytime temperatures are 27 degreesC. or more throughout the year and where the well-distributed rainfall totals 2,000 millimetres or more annually.

    at the top of the forest the thick canopy of leaves blocks out nearly all sunlight from the forest floor. as a result few plants grow on the ground.

    tropical forests provide plenty of food for many species of animals. herbivores, such as antelopes, deer and wild pigs roam the forest floor. insects snakes and colourful birds abound throughout the forests.

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