
What is the magnetic field strength of?

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the human brain? (give me the range of fluctuation in gauss if you can please).

I know the magnetic frequency of the Earth is 1 gauss, how does this compare?




  1. The standing magnetic field 1cm from the scalp has been estimated to be about 10pT (about 1e-7 gauss) and fluctuates by about 3fT (.03%).  In reality, the strength of Earth's magnetic field ranges from .3 gauss to .6 gauss, but this reduction makes little difference if you are comparing the Earth to your brain.

  2. 31 µT (3.1×10−^5 T) - strength of Earth's magnetic field at 0° latitude (on the equator)

    58 µT (5.8×10−^5 T) - strength of Earth's magnetic field at 50° latitude

    0.1 - 1.0 x10-^12 T - human brain magnetic field

    NB.1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss

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