
What is the main cause of global warming?

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What is the main cause of global warming?




  1. It is the scientific consensus that human burning of fossil fuels ,and with it a release of large amounts of CO2 that traps heat in the atmosphere,are responsible for the global warming effect.Besides.Even if that is not correct using fossil fuels is a dead end street.We must turn to renewable energy sources.Typical of the Americans to refuse to accept the truth because they are addicted to oil as junkie on crack.Truth hurts.

  2. That depends - are you asking about the current global warming, or historical global warmings?

    If you're asking about the global warming right now, it's human greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO2).  If it's previous climate changes, the main causes were variations in the Sun's output and the Earth's orbital cycles.

    For further explanation, see the link below.

  3. The Sun!! With out it we would all freeze to death.

  4. the modern industry

  5. The main source for all warming on Earth is the Sun.  The Sun's output is never constant, and it varies slightly over time.

    The Earth's temperatures are very stable these days.  The temperature has only changed +/- 0.5 degrees over the last 130 years.  It has been colder for much of that time, and now we're getting a little above that average.

    Last month the Earth was just 0.12 degrees above average and on a slight cooling trend for the last 10 years.

  6. Jello is right to an extent.  The minor variations are due mostly to the sun.  There is a cycle known as the Milankovitch Cycle that results from variations in the earths orbit and our axis of rotation.  This has resulted in the periodic periods of glaciation and the current warming trend over the long tern.

    Human emissions of CO2 have probably caused some warming but it is very minor relative to the natural causes and probably mostly beneficial

  7. Mainly solar activity and lack of volcanic activity!

    The solar activity not only is dependent on an eleven year cycle of the sun, but also on the earth's ellipse!

    This is basic scientific fact and information which is constantly dismissed by those who think that they actually know more than science!

  8. in a short way to say it is the pollution. Why? because by the way the gases get to the atmosphere and they let the sun light get in the earth but not let them be reflected to the space and they keep inside between the surface of the earth and the atmosphere, they keep warming the temperature. Your can find more information in my site

  9. It's been accepted since the 1880's or so that it is caused by the accumulation of Carbon Dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" caused by human industrial activity.  Some favor the year 1896, while others prefer a date more like 1938 as the point where this became working knowledge.  In the 1970's the government issued its first report on Climate change in response to controversy that erupted when some rogues began predicting an ice age.  We have monitored CO2 and other greenhouse gases since then (it was one of the report's recommendations).

  10. Mankind is causing global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases. The drastic increase in the emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide) within the last 30 years caused by burning fossil fuels has been identified as the major reason for the change of temperature in the atmosphere.

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