
What is the main crop grown in India?

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What is the main crop grown in India?




  1. cow manure!

  2. India has several main crops. The big commercial export crop is jute.

    Other major crops are:

    Rice (the big food crop), wheat, corn, sorghum, millet, beans, peas, lentils, oilseeds, sugar (largest producer in the world) and cotton.

  3. India in the mid-1990s has almost attained self-sufficiency in the production of oilseeds to extract vegetable oil, essential in the Indian diet. Peanuts, grown mainly as a rain-fed crop on part of the semiarid areas of western and southern India, account for the largest source of the nation's production of vegetable oils. The second-ranking source of vegetable oils in the early 1990s was rapeseed. Cottonseed, an important by-product of cotton fiber and once mostly fed to cattle, was another source of vegetable oils. Soybeans and sunflower seeds were relatively new as significant oilseeds, but their production increased rapidly in the 1980s.

  4. rice

  5. Rice, wheat, corn, cotton and sugar cane.  The most grown crop is rice.

    They do produce a lot of oilseed also.

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