
What is the main difference Australia and New Zeeland?

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I now is different cotinents I'm talking about the people and their law and believes




  1. In the two countries, the people, their laws and their beliefs are very, very similar. In Australia, we have a large number of Kiwis (New Zealanders) and they fit in seamlessly. Their accent is a bit different from ours, but people from other countries probably wouldn't pick the difference.

    The physical countries are completely different. New Zealand is very small and very beautiful with high snow capped mountains and marvellous thermal areas. It is generally a lot cooler, wetter and greener than OZ.

    Australia is very large and apart from the coastal fringes, very arid. Because it is so large we have an incredible variety of things to do and see, but they're spread over thousands of miles.

  2. either the massive mountains in nz, or the freezing weather there

  3. The indigenous people are from completely different ethnic groups with very different cultures - Aboriginal people in Australia, Maori people in New Zealand.

    The climate, terrain, plants and animals are very different.

    There are very few differences in modern culture, New Zealand politics tends to lean more to the left than Australia.

  4. The differences between Australia & New Zealand are too great to answer in a paragraph.  Maybe if you were more specific you would get the answer you want. Do you mean geographically, culturally, perhaps flora, & fauna?

  5. Lets see, I would guess the main difference is the fact that they are two entirely different countries. I think you actually mean the difference in weather, culture etc. On that I cannot help you, I suggest checking out the geography of both.

  6. Aussies dont root (have s*x with) sheep.

  7. they are completely different continents.


  8. haha @ all the Aussies that answered.. its funny how you described all the things New Zealand has.. be it bad or not and forgot to mention all the c**p things you have.. like snakes, crocs and spiders not to mention those creepy koalas, a horrible accent and a big old desert smack in the middle.. but i guess thats beside the point huh, coz you are such lovely people.. as for Kiwis... me may have "reputations" but eh.. who hasn't :) Oh and btw, the difference is New Zealanders are proud, love our country and have open arms.. whoever it may be. :)

  9. New Zealanders believe in rugby.

    And shagging sheep.  They have a huge advantage in rucks  and mauls because no one can be quite sure where the Kiwi fingers were last night.

  10. Hi,

    Well I had to see the answers to that one!!  You have probably started something that you didn't even realise there huh?

    I'm an Aussie who's lived in New Zealand's South Island for about 7 years as well.  There is a bit of rivalry between the two countries as you may have gathered by now!  I love them both, but I'll always be a proud Aussie.  My husband is a Kiwi (New Zealander) so we have this discussion often.  What we came up with is that they will always be fundamentally different because of the reasons already stated - Aboriginal culture vs Maori culture being one of them.  

    Another is the differences in population.  While Australia has a small population of 20 million, NZ has a minute population (on the world scale) of 4 million.  This makes us both very resilient countries, and of course, both very competitive.

    Not all of New Zealand is cold, the North Island reaches up to the same latitude as Sydney and is very tropical.  The South Island is where a lot of the "Lord of the Rings" movies were made.  It has a very different landscape to anything you'll find in Australia.  Put both Island's together and you've got a land mass about the same size as Britain.

    Australia's size, on the other hand, is very hard for Kiwi's or anyone from other parts of the world, to grasp.  It is all one country on the biggest island in the world (plus Tasmania and a couple of hundred smaller islands off the coasts).  Australia is a bit bigger than the US - who have 400 million people!

    There are plenty of differences and plenty of similarities, just like anywhere else ;o)

  11. Main difference? Two different countries.

  12. The difference?  Maoris and Aboriginals primarily.  Other than that, culture, food, prices, scenery, location, accent, little sheep, big letter boxes and telephone booths, weather, blah blah blah but If you want to meet New Zealanders, come to Australia, they're all here!  They come here to get out of the rain.

  13. the main difference is there are no kiwis in nz  they are all on the dole in australia

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