
What is the main gas that considered to cause the green house effect? CO2?

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What is the main gas that considered to cause the green house effect? CO2?




  1. Actually it is water vapor.Carbon dioxide just increases the evaporation rate because it traps more heat inside the atmosphere along with the water vapor.The more carbon dioxide the more water vapor and the more heat trapped inside and the more death and destruction there will be.

  2. The "greenhouse" layer is 97% water vapor.

    If you want more info on the effects of this layer, read this:,2933,1925...

    or watch this:

  3. co2 is but methane holds 10 times as much heat and cfcs hold a 100 times more.

  4. The main gas would be chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). However, it has been agreed internationally that countries are to reduce the manufacturing of items that emit this gas.

    Currently, there is another replacement gas over CFC - hydrofluorocarbon. It does not fasten the green house effect as badly as CFC but it still fasten like a 1,000 times as compared to carbon dioxide.

  5. Actually the most abundant green house gas in the atmosphere is water vapor.  That's a natural phenomenon (if you don't count people wasting water by taking long showers, filling swimming pools & hot tubs, running fountains, and watering lawns).

    The first greenhouse gas to be conclusively measured as increasing in atmospheric concentration was CO2.  A cause of CO2 increase is the burning of fossil fuels (like dring a car or burning coal for electricity - more than 50% of the electricity in the US comes from coal).

    CFC's have no natural source and are also a greenhouse gas.  A lot of refrigeration systems ran on CFC's.

    These and other types of gases are talked about at the following NOAA website (NOAA is National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's page - they are a uniformed goverment agency - kind of like the coast guard).

  6. There are four main greenhouse gasses. CO2, water vapor, methane, and CFCs.

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