
What is the main industry in Guyana?

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What is the main industry in Guyana?




  1. The main industries are fishing (accounting for three-quarters of foreign exports), gold mining and timber. In addition, the Guiana Space Center at Kourou accounts for 25% of the GDP and employs about 1700 people. There is very little manufacturing and agriculture is largely undeveloped.

    I am assuming that you actually mean Guyane and NOT Guyana since you have asked this question in the French travel section under thr subtopic of Guyane.

    Guyana (with an A) is a former British colony while Guyane (with an E) is the French département d'outre-mer (overseas department).

    The first two answerers have given responses which refer to the former British colony and not the French overseas department.

  2. Here is an interesting read on Guyana. It includes the main sources of income for the region. It's kind of scary considering the murder rate is three times the US rate. There are some interesting warnings in the Wiki article.

  3. They do mostly sugar and bauxite.  Spices are often sold to tourists.  They also grow rice..

  4. Gold, Sugar, Fishing/Shrimping, Rice farming, timber and Bauxite. They are now trying to capitalize on oil thought to be in the Berbice River" but due to political corruption, there is no certainty that it will take place.

    That is for Guyana.

    Fr. Guiana is two countires over from Guyana on the right. Their main industries are gold mining, timber (country is 87% forrested) and fishing. As the previous poster mentioned, fishing accounts for about 68-75% of their international exports.

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