
What is the main injuries in box!?

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What is the main injuries in box!?




  1. I shall bow down to brodyburks' answer. Thumbs up!

  2. Depends- what level are you talking about?  At the very amateur level (only doing training, not fights) the main injuries are bruises, and perhaps sore shoulders, hips, and elbows.  If you're doing competitive amateur fights, then you might have bloody noses, cuts, or maybe a concussion.  In professional fights you're looking at deep cuts (requiring stitches), broken hands, broken ribs, detached retinas, concussions, and perhaps even death.

    From what you're PROBABLY asking, which is, is boxing safe to start doing as a young person, then yes- it is safe.  The injuries in amateur boxing are no more serious than any other sport, and probably far less serious than American Football.  It hurts, but it heals.  The main things to watch out for are elbow hyperextensions from punching too hard without connecting, and injured hands from improper technique.

  3. facial injuries and eventually your hands

  4. face cuts, bruises, and possible head injuries after a long time of fighting and bad defense. even with good defense getting hit in the head eventually adds up. this is why boxing is a young sport. fighters as they get older have an accumulative amount of punishment they have taken and need to stop before serious injury occurs

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