
What is the main job description of a Military recruiter?

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Is the recruiter suppose to take me to the testing facility, court, etc. Or is it my job to go by myself.




  1. That depends on the recruiter and their units policy.  I use to give my appllicants bus tickets to the MEPS and they caught the bus back home.  The Army and Navy took their recruits to MEPS and drove them home.

  2. Hey Delphi, I am from a wealthy family, educated, h**l, I did two years of college before I WALKED MYSELF INTO THE OFFICE and joined the Marines. Save it, you don't know what you're talking about.

  3. To find young, poor, gullible children. Who haven't even had a chance at life. Make empty promises. Such as fake glory for God and country. To turn them into killers and send them to war. To kill and be killed. So another mother's heart can be broken. I know this won't be popular. Spare me your hideous rah-rah USA e-mails. It is just my opinion.

    My dear Phish I am an ex military wife. Came from a military family. You speak as if you know me and my experiences. Obviously you don't. Therefore you are an idiot.

  4. My recruiter gave me a bus ticket to MEPS, drove me to where the bus picked me up, and came and picked me up from MEPS so I wouldn't have to wait 3 more hours for the bus ride back...I didn't have to go to court to get anything, they went, and they also went to my high school for my transcripts....

    I'm Navy, and that's just what my recruiter did, I don't know if they're required to do all of that....

  5. A professional BS'er.

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