
What is the main parpose of gravity of earth?

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  1. To keep and maintain all living things on earth, without gravity air would escape from earth, and earth will be worse than Pluto or mars

  2. to keep us firm on the ground

  3. Gravity is a force that pulls everything to the center of the earth.It is just a force.

  4. No, gravity is not 'c', it is 'g'. =p

    In all seriousness though, gravity serves to keep earth's atmosphere on Without gravity, air including hte important oxygen we need will escape earth and into space. We will lose weather, rain, wind,etc.

    Birds will try to fly and find themselves shooting into space.

  5. It holds us, the atmosphere, and everything else here and keeps us from floating off into space and/or asphyxiating from the lack of atmosphere.

  6. gravity is bullcrap the earth sucks lol

  7. there is no purpose , it is a phenomenon and the law of the nature , and it is the force of attraction due to the presence of strong iron at the core of the earth.

    because of this we tend to fix our self to earth and in order to over come this we need to apply the newtons law of gravitation where all aeroplanes and rockets use this to escape the earths attraction.

  8. It's Mother Nature being a B*tch

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