
What is the main purpose of creating beings that have to spend their lives worshiping you?

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and then, when they die, if they worshiped you enough, their prize is keep on worshiping you eternally

sounds like fun, isn't?

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  1. Blah blah blah...

    The way GOD want us to worship HIM is in obeying HIS WORD (the BIBLE).

    If you have ever read the BIBLE, which it REALLY seems like you haven't, then you would see that all of GOD's commandements are for our well-being.

  2. Start from the start, Where did God say this?

    He created man in his image and placed him in paradise!

    He gave only one command!

    He walked and talked with them on an equal level.

    Now go on a bit till you come to God in the Flesh...

    What,s he say Love God and Love each other. If you do this i will no longer call you a servant but a Friend, a son, a bride.

    All i have is yours, you will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

    God is not interested in worship He is interested in Justice to others and a life that is lead by his principle of Love.

  3. In the beginning, one uses your words, "beings that have to."

    As thought moves forward into higher ground, the "have to" is dropped and replaced with "need to."

    Spiritual growth will take you there.

  4. Obviously, He didn't create people to spend their whole lives worshipping Him...or, more accurately, he ave eople a choice whether or not to worship Him. Look at yourself as proof of that. Free will IS involved, whether you like it or not. we are NOT robots, we can make our own choices. Those of us who do worship Him do so not out of obligation, but out of heart felt thanks for providing us a way to commune with God through the death of His Son. Also, the length of time spent worshipping God in no way determines whether or not you go to heaven; please understand this before posting your misguided thoughts.

    EDIT: Ah-Ohm, God doesn't believe in reincarnation. Life after death and reincarnation are different ballgames.

  5. Ma thought was... Do u mind dating me tonight? lol

  6. well then what is the purpose of having kids, if they can't love you and call you mom and or dad? God created us, therefore it seems only reasonable to love HIm for having created us. And when you love someone, don't you want to express your love for them? Worshiping God is like demonstrating your love for HIm. OH and worshiping God isn't what will save anyone, as in the same way going to Church every weekend isn't what will save you either. The Bible says to love the Lord your God with all your heart,and then it says to love your neighbor as yourself. Once you have experienced the greatest love given only by God, you will be able to share this love with others. Living such a life of love, is what will save you!

  7. It is so much better to spend your life worshiping self or Satan (default choice) and when you die, since you chose self, your prize is the eternal h**l God created for Satan.

    If you want to put it like this, that is.  

    God created us for reciprocal love.  He gives more love than humans ever can.

  8. Makes much more sense that there isn't a purpose at all, in my opinion..

  9. God created us for Himself. He loves us. Why wouldn't you want to worship your Creator? If it wasn't for Him breathing life into us - we wouldn't have life. Would you rather worship satan and have eternal life in h**l being tortured? Or will you worship God and have eternal life in heaven where there is no sickness, no fire, no tears, no sorrows, no lies, no murderers, no homosexuality, and no more worries?  

  10. Only Kratos had the guts to stand up to a god.

  11. God created us. He created us to praise him and spread his word. Simple as that.

  12. The churches teachings. God says you worship Him when you love one another. God also believes in reincarnation, not damnation. Damnation only serves the churches purpose which is to control. Reincarnation serves God's Purpose which is to have you Return  Home.

  13. Simple: God has self-confidence issues. He's like that nerdy kid who plays tea party with his dog.

  14. We all decide to , or not to. Just the fact that the creator is mindfull of us should be enough to make us want to worship him.

  15. Lol interesting, never thought of it like that.

  16. And this is the reason why God frequently gets re-interpreted as a raving egotist.

  17. Utterly bizarre.

  18. I understand what you are saying, but I think that you have totally misunderstood what worship and God really is all about.  There have been people who have claimed to worship God all throughout their lives, and they will not be in heaven either.  God wants us to choose to worship Him. However, because of our sin, we cannot do that.  What keeps us out of heaven, is our sin.  Because of that sin, and because of His love for us, He sent His son into the world to die on the cross, so that those who believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.  Jesus is the way to heaven, and once we accept Him, we will want to worship Him.  Believe you me, there is nothing better. However if you think that God is demanding you to worship Him, I can see that you would not think that much fun.  We are not rewarded for worshiping God, we are saved through the blood of Christ, and then we will choose to live to worship Him. Completely different my friend.

  19. I think God wants love and fealty, not worship.

    After all, what is our worship to him?  Isn't rather like an adult being praised by a two-year-old?

  20. It's great to have minions! They do all the c**p work.

  21. God created you so you can have a relationship with him.  He wanted you to love him as much as he loves you.  You can't have love without free will because it would be rape.  So he then he gave us free will so we could choose to love him.  We decided not to love him and enter the world of sin.  We messed up big time and basically made everyone be born into sin.  Then Jesus came along as God in the form of man.  He was the perfect man and died for our sins so we can be forgiven instead of burning in h**l.

  22. Controlling people?

    That is was what religion is, a tool of control

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