
What is the main quality that a broadway director looks for in an audition?

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what are some other things...




  1. Speaking from personal experience since I know broadway directors they dont bother much with the look.  Unless they have something specific in mind.  Projection of the voice. Live it and learn it.  Don't memorize lines.  Act the lines.  Step out of your comfort zone and move and feel to the scene.  This is your chance to get noticed so just speak to them.  The directors can tell if you haven't practice.  So practice practice practice.  THey can also tell if you adlib. Or s***w up with emotions.  So good luck and try hard to hit those key points.

  2. They look and see if they can picture you onstage in that part. They also look for singing talent if it's a musical, which most of them are. They see if you have any background or if you can follow directions well and do better every time.

  3. In an audition? Well...the same thing any director looks for - being prepared, connecting to the material and showing what you can do that pertains to the show (ie. if you're auditioning for Christine in Phantom of the Opera, don't sing a song from Cabaret).

    But mainly the director is looking for type and talent - do you physically fit the character, do you have the technical ability to play the character and do you have the creative capactiy to bring something new and fresh to the character?

    I completely disagree with the above poster. Type counts for a lot. In fact, at those Broadway open calls, they will even sometimes send someone down the line to "type out" people, so only the people with the look they want can audition. There is sooooo much talent in NYC, directors can easily do this withough sacrificing talent for type.

  4. look like the part.

    act like the part.

    How you hold yourself on stage. (nervous) Command the stage!



    and be able to change the character.

    Just the main things.

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