
What is the main reason a police officer starts to talk like porky pig every time I show him/her my ACLU card?

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Get pulled over. Police Officers says "drivers license please". Wallet is open and Police see ACLU card. Officer says "Is..Is Th th th th that aa a aa aa ACLU ca ca ca card? I say Yes it is". Police say "St st st stop th th th speeding an an an please sl sl sl slow down".




  1. That is rather weird as the ACLU has no involvement in speeding cases, and membership simply means one has donated money, not that one will be represented.  The ACLU is interested in laws and policies that restrict civil liberties, not in the application of valid laws.  Sounds weird to me.  Perhaps the officer stutters and he is himself a supporter of the ACLU and decided to cut you a break.

  2. Alot of cops are taught to trick you inter admitting what you did wrong.  i.e.   Do you know why I pulled you over, they're looking for a confession to a crime.  Don't speak to them.  You can not be held to answer against yourself.  That's something so many people don't know.  So when you say, I was speeding, or whatever reason you think you might have been pulled over, that's a confession and it makes their job easier.  They could just be pulling people over to do such activities.  But to the issue of the ACLU card.  If cops think for one second that the person they just pulled over knows their rights and will enforce them to the T, cops don't want to be made to look like an *** when it comes time to fight the ticket.

  3. They're probably holding back laughter.  I know I would be if I were the police officer and you waived an ACLU card as if it were something important.  Thanks for the laugh buddy.

  4. In your dreams.  You'd be stunned to know most of the cops I associate with professionally are members of ACLU...

  5. In your dreams maybe.

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