
What is the main reason for Mexico's Economic Hardship?

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Mexico Economic Hardship what do you think it is thanks




  1. First Education.

    the avarage of mexican education is low. In the north of Mexico is 7 grades, in places Down south it can go as low as 3 grades......

    The second reason is distribution of wealth. In every economy that depends hardly in cheap labor in order to create wealth is doomed to polarized the wealthfare of its mexican southern states that depend a lot on agriculture produce is a fact (coffee palntations, banana plantations, orange) you will see citys with very wealthy people but the majority live with less than 300 usd a month.

    the third reason is bad managment of the country , due to bad goverments and all the vices thats emerged from that.

    Mexico right now for the first time in his history is living a democracy and for the first time in many years there has been a certain stability in prices, this had lead to banks to create credit oppurtunities and with that many other things are comming.

    Its a process that you people in the develop world don´t remember, since you got out of poverty for more than a 100 years now,  and with this I mean most of your population.

  2. the government steals all the money, mainly the presidents

  3. In my opinion the FIRST reason is the lack of high level education. A people better educated takes care of more things and visualize better the life, including avoid the corruption and/or punish corruption acts.

  4. "Moeniale" hit the nail on the head.  Only 3 years of education is mandatory, and this is not enforced.  There are not nearly enough schools to accomodate all the kids who SHOULD be in school.  In many places, the quality of the schools is horrid.  Until Mexico makes education its #1 priority, it will never be able to solve the problems of desparate poverty and it will never be able  stand on its own two feet and not depend on money coming in from the U.S.

  5. corruption

  6. TEQUILA!!

  7. Mainly the government.  Its true they steal all the money.  its a very corrupt government.  But secondly and equally important the lack of academic education.  Most of the people leaving in rural areas don't have the economic means to pay for education of high school let alone college.  They are faced with the decision to either feed their families or get an education.  With out education, the country does not have the white collar force that is capable of investing and producing more jobs for others.  many have entrepreneural skills, but if you don't know how to run a business from all the perspectives and make it grow, you are going to end up making the wrong decisions that will take you out of business.  

    Since a high percentage of mexicans do not have education/job skills the only other option for them is to come to the US.  its a very tempting option.

    you have to understand that middle class workers earn an average of $50 a week. (500 pesos)  if they come here and get a job a $5 an hour that for them its a fortune, because they earn around $200 a week.  On top of that, the devaluation of the currency plays another big role.  those $200USD earned in the US are then sent to the families in Mex and exchanged into pesos for a total weekly average income of 2,200 pesos.

    and the list is long..... hope that helps a little.

  8. Mexico is a large economy and within it there are many billionares and hundreds of thousands of millionares. The problem is not that the country doesn't produce enough economic output, but rather that such output is VERY unevenly distributed.

    Income distribution in Mexico is horrible, so you have a few super-super-super filthy rich, and the many super-super-super desperately poor, with only a thin layer of middle class families in between.

    Such horrible inequality gives rise to lack of opportunity (educational, laboral, social, etc...) for the poor which perpetuates their poverty and misery.

    This poverty and lack of education from the part of the masses, and money and unrestricted power on the few creates a vicious cycle of corruption at all levels of government and society.

    The solution to this problem is not easy or fast; it'll require strengthening Mexico's educational system so it can serve all of its market (in Mexico to get into a High School or University is almost impossible for many, as there are not enough seats available for the demand); but also it would require making sure kids have access to food and health care so they can attend school (who can learn when hunger or sickness are present?).

    It seems like the new government of President Felipe Calderon is taking the right steps in those areas, hopefully soon we'll see not only a stronger Mexico, but a more equitable one too (and this will benefit the US and Canada as well).

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