
What is the main reason of 1st &2nd world war?

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What is the main reason of 1st &2nd world war?




  1. WWI: Germany´s struggle to become a superpower and militarism in all european states

    WWII: Hitler´s plans to conquer vast areas in eastern europe

  2. 1st world war the french wanted to recovery alsace_lorraine

    2nd world war the german wanted to wash the infamous traite de Versailles

    These are the main reasons, they are full of others

  3. Forget about WW 1 & WW 2, we are almost on the brink of WW 3 and the reason is gonna be US. And its Policies.

    **** US

  4. Wow, I've written 10 page essays on this question there is no one specific answer. It was kind of a culmination of different things. WWI you could say that they tipping point was the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Google his name, I'm sure you'll get the whole story about all of the allies and how all of Europe had basically declared war in a matter of days. Thats a huge story in its own, but I'd say that the main causes of WWII were a lack of progress at the Treaty of Versailles after WWI. Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Woodrow Wilson met to discuss reparations for Germany. France basically wanted to decimate Germany and make sure that they never had enough power to invade them again, Britain had a similar plan, but to a lesser extent. If France got their wishes, that put France in an extremely powerful position, which GB didnt like. Wilson presented his famous 14 points here and we were more interested in just getting the h**l out of Europe and preventing future wars. Of course, we wanted raparations as well, basically reimbursement for widows and all of the money we spent over there. Look up Henry Kissinger and John Maynard Kaynes and check out what they had to say about the treaty, it should clear up any questions you may have. From there, WWII basically saw the rise of Adolf Hitler who broke many of the loose stipulations enacted by the Treaty of Versailles, which caused more problems. Europe, and for that matter, the US, didnt want another war on their hands so they turned to appeasement of Germany. Poland was invaded and once again Europe was plunged into war. Then there was Mussolini and Fascism, he wanted to invade Ethiopia to reach Africa. Franco and his leftist tendencies. And then Anschluss, which was the annexation of Austria into Germany. Then came the Munich agreement, followed by the Italian invasion of Albania, followed by Hitler's invasion of Russia, then, as im sure you know, the US was hit at Pearl Harbor, causing us to enter the war. There are many other things that you can look at, as well as many other minute causes that can be sited, but this is the main stuff. The Treaty of Versailles came under fire, noting that not much was done to prevent this from happening. The 2nd WW took off right where the Great War left off. Again, there is much more to it, but this is the main stuff.

  5. "Man expresses his madness in many ways- waging war is one of them"

    It is simple-

    "power corrupts- absolute power corrupts absolutely"

    When a person is power-drunk, he becomes mad and wants the whole world to be under his power

    The Kings and emperors were historical evidences of the man's mad love/ craze for power- of course at others' cost.

    Hence, as long as individuals have the opportunities of enriching their power, wars would be inevitable -

    But because of the madness of one person, millions lose their life- millions suffer permanently- billions worth of materials are wasted- all for  just to satisfy the ego or the whim of one individual like Hitler, Id Amin and the invasion-specialists  like the Erstwhile emperors of United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal-while establishing colonies in other countries-

  6. Smart work is very lesser for the people on olden days is the main reason for the cause of the 1st & 2nd world war. i mean no love with mankind..:-)

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