
What is the main reason people don't join the military (any branch)?

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I know everyone has their reasons for joining - pride, service, money, college paid for, joining a team, patriotism, adventure, excitement, etc. But why do people shy away from the recruiters. Why do people not join? And why is there only about 10% female in the military when they are allowed in nearly all aspects of service?




  1. "I'm to scarred to hold a gun or fire it." Thats just it.

  2. Cant pass the pee test.  

  3. People don't join because they don't want to.  They do not need a reason more than that.

    Women don't join because they don't want to.  

  4. Honestly I think it is ignorance.  People by and large are misinformed about what the military ACTUALLY has to offer

  5. Lets start this off by informing everyone of the benifits of actually serving their country.

    1. Pride

    2. Service

    3. Teamwork

    4. Leadership skills

    5. Resume builder

    6. Money

    7. College Benefits

    8. Discounts

    9. Travel (voluntary and involuntary)

    10. Opportunity

    11. Career choices

    12. Opportunity for advancement

    13. No glass ceiling

    14. It is what you make it

    15. $20,000 sign on bonus

    16. $10,000 commissioning bonuses

    17. $15,000 reenlistment bonuses

    18. Lifelong friendships

    19. Retirement plan (nearly unbeatable)

    20. Total Health, Dental, Life Insurance

    21. Pay is actually comparable if not better in Military Life once you add in the Housing Allowance (BAH) Subsistance Allowance, Clothing Allowance, Hazard Duty Pay (while deployed), Family Seperation (while deployed), and more. A 1LT (officer) with approximately 4 years in the service can expect to make roughly $60,000 + $10,000 worth of insurances = $70,000. And about $40,000 + $10,000 (insurance) for enlisted with approximately the same time in.

    22. Another big benefit that many overlook is the health care. If you have 1 dependent, you have 12. Meaning you get the same coverage for all 12 children as you would if you only have 1. There is no additional charges, they are just simply covered.

    If anyone has any questions about joining the military or would like further information feel free to email me at  I'd be more than happy to talk about the opportunities that the Military has to offer more specifically the Army National Guard - where you can have your civilian career and drill one weekend a month 2 weeks a year as a Citizen/Soldier.

    And to all you Women out there who don't think you've got what it takes to join the military - you are dead wrong. Getting through basic training isn't easy, but its certainly possible. We have over 600,000 Soldiers in the Army National Guard and Reserves and over 500,000 in the Army. All of these people made it, and so can you.

    Just another quick fact. Our active duty and reserve forces are dwarfed by that of China's who has an Active Duty force of more than 10 million.

  6. uummm

    maybe they don't to particpate in dirty undelcared wars - you enlist, how about that.

  7. Personally, I have much respect for the military and anyone who chooses to join. However I chose not to join because I didn't want to dedicate my life to military service. I wanted to go to college and enjoy my youth while preparing for a career in engineering. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I was being told where to live, and what to do everyday for 4 (or more) years.  

  8. Most people do not like the caste system in the military.  They do not like taking a job from which they cannot resign.  They do not like a job which might require them to shoot at people and be shot at.  They do not like a job that can transfer you to any location on the globe without your consent.  They do not like basic training, and being yelled at.

    Some people don't mind taking a lot of c**p in order to advance in rank so they can hand out the c**p themselves.

    However, despite all of the drawbacks, most of the time being in the service is not like being a prisoner doing hard time.  The best boss I ever had (at least the one I liked best) was the boss I had in the service at one base where I served.  

    As long as you salute and say "Sir" things usually aren't so bad aside from the feeling of subservience it gives you.   I don't think they even have KP anymore.

  9. People dont join because they let the media and other peoples opinions over-rule their own and let these things shy their since of trying something new.... The way the media and people who dont understand point A from Point B in the military like Hippies and ANTI-WAR protesters who think world piece will ever come to this world of Wars since the dawn of man portray the military in a low manner.... People fail to realise that not everyone in the military is forced to carry a weapon after boot camp, basic training.... and they fail to realise that the majority of the yelling and intense stress of basic training and boot camp is over after training.... they fail to realise that the medical, dental, school, and living benefits are great including the commecary and the stores on base, APEX, and other stores like it are just great compared to what civilians spend.... They also fail to realise that at any point in time another world war begins there will be another draft most definetley..... even with current laws against it... NOT EVERYONE IN THE MILITARY IS AT DANGER.... Females simply dont join becuase in our society its never been a feminine thing to do... rarely... it sound sexist but females arent born with the same type of killer instinct and war ethic as a male.... not becuase of any genes or any born ability... just becuase over the generations there hasnt been any females involved in direct combat unless they chose to sneak into the military like in the american revolution or the civil war....

  10. why would you join if you had much better options layed out before you. a lot of people joining now a days, dont educate themselves about the position they are taking, and they end up hating thier life while they are in, i must agree with one of the answers previously posted, who is going to want to join say a combat mos where thier job is to engage with, close on and eliminate the enemy, yet a politician who is sitting in a cushy office back in dc is tying that soldiers hands around his balls, saying you cannot engage this target or that target because...and then they have a list of "so called" reasons why you cant engage, when if those reasons where not layed down and your roe was different you would have been able to save someones life had you been able to effectively perform your job. then again i have a very biased opinion right now as i am on my 3rd tour as an infantryman and have seen it go from "we have your backs as long as you are threatened or your mission is threatened" to "we have to bend to a countries every whim" when they dont even have the intestinal fortitude to stand up on thier own two feet and control thier country. now dont get me wrong the military, and i say military not army have a lot of opportunities within them, but as ive said the army has put a very sour taste in my mouth right now.

  11. Normally women aren't really interested in the life of a soldier/sailor/marine/airman(woman).  Men, well the services don't really pay all that much and the life is hard, nasty and dirty and what young man really wants to deal with that when he can make his bundle in the civilian job market.  Think about it, you really don't have to ask this question.  The answer is rather obvious.

  12. Many young people don't think of the military as a contract job. And If they get hired, many want the option of just quitting. The military will let you out, but you carry a stigma if it is not medical, or honorable.Also, with all the negative things being said in the news by the Democrats and tree huggers, the young are either misled, or made afraid.Girls want to chase boys, and don't think about joining in large numbers.I joined at 18, and served 4 years. The experience made me a better man and a loyal citizen.I rec commend it. I was able to get a very good job because of the resume' I could offer.

  13. Well jeez, let's have a look:  First off, politicians now get involved in wars and require them to fought politically correct style, which puts soldiers lives in even greater danger and leads to more deaths of soldiers.  Along those same lines, the monday morning quarterbacks are now into prosecuting soldiers for things that happen in battle and the "fog of war".  Please note that I am not defending the actions of a given soldier in a given battle, I am just pointing out that perhaps a young recruit might steer clear of joining if the thinks he might end up in the klink for doing his job.  Of course with the slippery slope it's probably just a matter of time before soldiers are sent to to stockade for not saluting the enemy before shooting.

    There's two reasons that I can think of.

  14. my adopted sister said she didn't want to join because she would get killed. i was in the u.s. navy and i must admit it changed me forever. maybe she doesn't want to take that chance.

  15. they don't join because thats not what they want to do with their lives. I have a HUGE respect for those who do, but its just not for me.  

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