
What is the main reason you are on YA Elections?

by  |  earlier

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Are you trying to educate? Is it for entertainment? Is it for points?

Just trying to bring a little levity to a dark place.




  1. It's a mix of:  educating, convincing others of my point of view, stopping the insanity where it is, and (although hard to find) good debate about the issues of the election.

    Why are you here?

  2. to keep up with the latest rumor mostly

    I think most do it bash somebody because it feels good to verbally hit someone

    At least there is no blood involved in this

  3. Somethings I have learned things in here,Sometimes it's entertaining reading some peoples answers.I usually like to hang out in the Computer security section.I really love helping people fix their computers.As i used to be a very skilled hacker.No points here in elections I think is a bad idea.Your really not helping people in elections.Because it is to opinionated.Therefore I see answers that was picked as best half of the time was not even a answer.

    But just what the asker wanted to hear.

  4. Adding a little critical thinking to a sometimes dull work day.

  5. Oh I'm on election?  Hmmm, interesting questions or weird questions draws me here.

  6. I currently live in Sarasota FL.  Around here it really doesn't seem like anyone in my age group really has a very strong opinion about the elections.  I work in a restaurant and I hear people talking about the topic often but I can't converse with them or state any of my opinions.  I love my bosses they talk about politics with me all the time I feel as though I'm keeping them informed.  I like coming onto YA to vent or to relate to people with my own views.  I guess I feel that it is educational.

  7. Procrastination and curiosity, and I love your username. I saw it for the first time today and laughed out loud.

  8. I find it cathartic to rant against ignorant people.  I don't think I'll change any minds with inflammatory message boards, but it's still therapeutic.  It's not polite to talk politics in public, let alone call them stupid, but here on YA it's all fair game.

  9. I came for education, I stay for entertainment and for the points.

  10. Watching liberal democrats flip flop like a fish out of water is more entertaining than the daily comics.  

  11. kinda like an addiction...i go to school with alot of democrats..who love to say c**p...this was the latest..that most white people are scared of black people..being one of two white people in the room gets my blood to boiling..i cannot lash out...they sit and talk about the democrat party but do not want my input from a republicans viewpoint..who else should i take it out i put my opinion here where it doesnt matter but i have seen the dark side of reverse racism i hear it everyday..and lucky me i go to school with a bunch of welfare people..who arent married with kids...who have never been married...and the kids do not have the same dads..but it was so refreshing to hear them slap bristol palins name around...made me happy to be able to spout my opinion....dont you know

  12. I just like to feel superior!

  13. To put my opinions in writing.  I live around a bunch of left-wing no nothings, and they can't seem to do even a little critical thinking.  It's a blood pressure lowering thing, I guess.  I also like knowing what some like minded conservatives are going through, who can't seem to get through the lame brained lefties.

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