
What is the main source of energy in the water cycle?

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  1. water cycle? more specific please? NADP perhaps?

  2. the sun everybody knows that sorry for being for being rude

  3. I always call the monster in the thunder storm. If u have a yea pot boiling at sea level it will not rise above 212 deg F. The reason is each cc of water that is evaporated will absorbed 60 calories from the pot.

      The same power is returned for each cc of water that is condensed will give the cloud 60 cal of heat. This is where the updraft comes from.

  4. the sun

    it's responsible for the respiration of plants (that releases water into the atmosphere) and the evaporation of standing water (lakes, oceans, etc.) that leg of the water cycle allows it to form into clouds in the atmosphere and then rain down fresh water for us

  5. Its all about the sun. Sun provides earth with nearly all of its energy.

  6. Solar

    seasonal (snow > ice pack > melt > river > ocean)

    daily (evaporation, clouds, wind -- temp change, lifting mechanisms - rain, sleat, snow)

  7. gravity?

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