
What is the major differences between SAP MM and SD?

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What is the major differences between SAP MM and SD?




  1. Well you are going to have to tell us what SAP MM is.  I think you are talking about Secure Digital when you mention SD.

    I will check back later to see if I can help

  2. I believe you are referring to a multi-media card (MMC) and Secure Digital (SD).  They have the same general physical size and shape, but SD cards are slightly thicker.  The real differences involve the internal electronics--SD cards are generally faster and have more capacity.

    A version of SD called SDHC for secure digital high capacity, can hold over 2 GB of data.  Your device specs will tell you if the device can handle that much data.

    If you're buying a card, get SD, as it will offer wide compatibility, speed and capacity.  If your device(s) can accept SDHC, you can get that too.

    From wikipedia:

    SD cards are based on the older MultiMediaCard (MMC) format, but have a number of differences:

    * The SD card is asymmetrically shaped in order not to be inserted upside down, while an MMC would go in most of the way but not make contact if inverted.

    * Most SD cards are physically thicker than MMCs. SD cards generally measure 32 mm × 24 mm × 2.1 mm, but can be as thin as 1.4 mm, just like MMCs .

    * The contacts are recessed beneath the surface of the card (like Memory Stick cards), protecting the contacts from contact with the fingers.

    * SD cards typically have transfer rates in the range of 10-20 MBytes/s, but this is always changing, particularly in light of recent improvements to the MMC standard.

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