
What is the martial law?

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idk what that is but its scaring me alot of videos on youtube are talking about how its gonna bring the world 2 an end and stuff soo i was wondering what it really is

: thanks for asking for me :)




  1. Martial law is when civilian areas are put under military authority. That's all, just means that the military takes over the functions of civil government. Basically means that government has gone to h**l.

  2. first off

    martial law wont bring the world to an end

    if anything it should help the country

    martial law is when the military of a said country takes over as its governing force

    in our case

    the chairman of the joint chiefs or the Secretary of defense would take over.

    It would be used in a time where the civilian police force could not keep the peace or restore order. During excesive rioting, protest, civil unrest and civil war.

    In some cases Martial Law is good. IE When a country is in shambles and has no or little hope for restoration.

    But in other cases it is bad. When a military leader uses it to take a country, and create a dictatorship.

    Thankfully if i remember correctly only the Commander In Chief(president) and Congress can declare Martial Law

  3. Its the law Chuck Norris lays down if you mess with him.  Karrraaatttt tay    

    its also according to Wikipedia, which you could've searched.  

    Martial law is the system of rules that takes effect when the military takes control of the normal administration of justice.

    Martial law is sometimes imposed during wars or occupations in the absence of any other civil government. Examples of this form of military rule include Germany and Japan after World War II or the American South during the early stages of Reconstruction. In addition it is used by governments to enforce their rule, for example after a coup d'état (Thailand 2006), when threatened by popular protests (Tiananmen Square protests of 1989), or to crack down on the opposition (Poland 1981). Martial law can also be declared in cases of major natural disasters; however most countries use a different legal construct, such as a "state of emergency".

    In many countries, martial law imposes particular rules, one of which is curfew. Often, under this system, the administration of justice is left to a military tribunal, called a court-martial. The suspension of the writ of habeas corpus is likely to occur.

  4. Martial law is the system of rules that takes effect when the military takes control of the normal administration of justice.

    Martial law is sometimes imposed during wars or occupations in the absence of any other civil government. Examples of this form of military rule include Germany and Japan after World War II or the American South during the early stages of Reconstruction. In addition it is used by governments to enforce their rule, for example after a coup d'état (Thailand 2006), when threatened by popular protests (Tiananmen Square protests of 1989), or to crack down on the opposition (Poland 1981). Martial law can also be declared in cases of major natural disasters; however most countries use a different legal construct, such as a "state of emergency".

    In many countries, martial law imposes particular rules, one of which is curfew. Often, under this system, the administration of justice is left to a military tribunal, called a court-martial. The suspension of the writ of habeas corpus is likely to occur.

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