
What is the mass of sucrose(C12H22O11) that is needed to prepare a 500 mL of 1.93M sucrose solution?

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  1. Simply use the formula c=n/v, where c is the concerntration in moles per litre, n is the number of moles and v is the volume of soultion.

    Therefore, subing in the values you get

    1.93=n/0.5( remember must be in litres)

    n=0.965 (multiply both sides by 0.5 to have n by its self

    now use your molar formula n=m/M where n is the number of moles, m is the mass in grams and M is the molar mass of the compound. Rearranged you get nM=m, and sub in your values yolu get

    0.965*molar mass of c12h22o11 to get the mass in grams (answer is 330.14 rounded off)

  2. n = Cv

    = .5 * 1.93

    = .965 mol.

    therefore mass = m = n * M

    = .965 * ((12*12)+(22)+(11*16))

    = 330.03 grams

  3. Don't know where or how the others got the answer, but the correct answer is as follows:

    molar mass sucrose = 342.3

    1.93 moles = 1.93x 342.3 = 660.6

    divided by 2 because you only need 1/2 liter = 330.3 grams  

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