
What is the math used in the eco-friendly green movement?

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this is the movement that is saving the Earth by recycling and stuff. do u know anything about it. do you know any math about it? i need to write a paper on it by tomorrow at like 11:35. give me something by tonight at midnight or later.




  1. Here is some math that ought to get your class talking:

    There are 326,000,000 cubic miles of water on the planet Earth.

    It takes 1 calorie to raise 1 cc of water 1 deg C

    To convert cubic miles to cubic centimeters you multiply by (5280 ft/mi X 12 in/ft X 2.54 cm/in)^3

    Atom bombs are measured in Megatons of TNT.  One Megaton of TNT = 10^15 calories

    The temperature of the worlds oceans has risen 1 deg C already and is projected to increase 5 deg C in the next 100 years.  Every wonder what that little one deg rise means?

    326,000,000 X (5280 X 12 X 2.54)^3 X 1 / 10^15 =

    1.358 Billion one megaton atom bombs for each one degree rise.  A five degree rise represents the destructive power of one atomic bomb for every man, woman and child alive today.

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