
What is the matter with my body

by  |  earlier

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i have been having pain in my lower stomach for a while now one month i started my period and then in the same month i started bleeding really bad like 2 weeks after my period had went off so i went to the hospital and they checked me out and they only told me that i was having a irregular period and it is normal for a girl to have abnormal period and the doctor tested me for any STD and it all came back negative ..ok i got over that for that month ok then the next month i have notice that the side where my ovaries are it look swollen form the other side of my ovaries and when i touch down there it hurts really bad and when i sit down it hurts and I'm having really bad headaches i mean really bad where i cant even think at times somebody please help me and tell me what he might be...and i eat like crazy and AM sexually active with my boyfriend please help




  1. you might be pregnant and females do have bad periods and good periods but just go get checked

  2. It sounds like you have some type of infection. You need to have a blood count done to make sure no infection is going on in your body. you need to go back to your gyno and not just a doctor. Being sexually active when young can cause more medical problems and some big medical problems as well, like endometriosis (sp?)

    It can also cause very minor miscarriages that were in the first few weeks which can cause an irregular period without a test showing up positive.

    This is one of those reasons parents try to tell you no to have s*x when you are younger, but no one wants to believe until they have something bad happen to them.

    You need medical care. If your ob doesn't care and sends you off, see another one until you find one that will listen to you. Go to the emergency room if you have too.

  3. nothing

  4. My mum says pregnancy is usually detected early with a pain in the sides.. Just go to your GP and get tested.

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