
What is the max angle that the lower unit should lower too?? on a 1990 SeaRay 200BR w/4.3LX Alpha 1 Drive?

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I was wondering what angle the lower unit should lower too on my boat. It goes to approximately a 90 degree angle now. It seams that it would have better performance if it would tuck in further under the boat. The hydraulics are all the way pulled in, but I was wondering if there is any adjustments that can be made or shorter hydraulics to do this? Or is 90 degrees the max that it should go??




  1. 90 degree is the max.

    There is no adjustments on the transom shield and when the rams are fully retracted that's it.

    There would defiantly be no improvement if the leg was further under the boat. In fact its the opposite.

    When your up on the plane trim the leg up, this allows the boat to get the bow out of the water just enough to get a better plane. If you tilt to far the prop will cavitate and the boat slow down, so just trim down and try up again, watch the speed, you will gain speed as the leg comes to a point where the boat sits on a good plane.

  2. That's the way it should be. When the lower unit is tilted all the way down,  the bow is forced down and you get more friction.  This is good in rough water.  To improve performance on calmer water try triming the lower unit out a  bit to lift the bow out of the water more and reduce friction.  Don't tilt it out too much or the prop will cavitate.  Good luck.

  3. The current arc of movement for your sterndrive should be correct.  Actually, the lower unit is considered at 0 degrees for level straight trim.  It will go down I believe 3 to 8 degrees below that point, but that's it.

    You need to put your trim all the way down when going from a very slow speed or stopped.  Then when you fully plane on the water, raise it up to just level at 0 degrees.  However, if you get smooth conditions and are already planed, raise it up just a very small bit higher than 0 degrees (level trim).  I'd say about 5 to 8 degrees, maybe 10 degrees.

    Remember, if you have an issue with your trim button, make sure it is actually raising the trim up from the lowest trim angle it can go.    If you have two trim buttons, then you must remember that the top one is for "underwater" use that will only raise it to the point that still keeps it underwater enough.  

    The other trim button is called "Trailering" is to raise it OUT of the water.

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