
What is the max speed of a helicopter?

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What is the max speed of a helicopter?




  1. Airspeed on a helicopter is limited by what is called retreating blade stall. The faster a helicopter goes forward the slower the air is going on the blade that is moving backwards in relation to the forward movement of the helicopter.  At a point the backwards moving blade will not have the airspeed required to make lift on that side so what happens is the helicopter rolls to the side of the retreating blade and pitches up at the same time therefore slowing the helicopter down. So the forward airspeed of the helicopter is relative to the helicopters main rotor speed or rotation, weight, and blade design, blah blah.  Right now the fastest helicopter in mass production is the Chinook because of its counter-rotating blade system.  The top speed I have been told on the Chinook is 210 kts.  I don't know that number for a fact.

  2. I found this website that lists a bunch of different types of helicopters and their spec.  Enjoy!

  3. Got it wrong kb3hmj. Retreating blade stall does indeed limit the forward speed of a helicopter but it is the angle of attack of the retreating blade exceeding the critical AOA that is limiting not the airspeed of the blade. And because the blade stall occurs ninety degrees to the longitudinal axis, gyroscopic procession dictates that the downward force on the rotor disk will result ninety degrees in the direction of rotation and that will cause a pitch up and not a roll. Been awhile since my army IP and examiner days but I remember that much.

  4. The current record is held by a UK built Westland Lynx.

    About 250 mph. Details are available from the RAES site.

    You can look it up for yourself.

    Ian M

  5. The worlds fastest choppers barely break 200mph, like the Russian Hind and the British Lynx. A average chopper just manages to break 100mph. A Blackhawk can do about 120, and a Huey only about 100. Others cannot even reach 100.

    Helicopters are incredibly restricted speed wise.

  6. That's classified for choppers in research & developement. Helicopters exist that will top 350 air speed.

    Entered after thumbs down:

    I say again!!!... helicopters exist that will top 350 air speed. (No other comments!)

  7. The MI-24

  8. id say about 180-200mph

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