
What is the maximum average density that a fully loaded cargo ship may have?

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What is the maximum average density that a fully loaded cargo ship may have?




  1. .99999999999999 or less; otherwise it sinks........

  2. I not sure this what you want, but, here it is;


    Deadweight (DWT) is the load carried by a ship. It is the difference between the lightship displacement and total displacement of the ship at any time. Maximum or load deadweight is the carrying capacity of a ship measured in 2,240-pound long tons, and is the difference between the lightweight and fully loaded displacements. Deadweight includes fuel, provisions, munitions, crew and effects, cargo, or any other weight carried. For a merchant ship, cargo deadweight, paying deadweight, or payload is the part of the deadweight that is cargo and therefore earning income. It is not uncommon for the deadweight of a merchant ship to be given but not its full-load displacement. A deadweight coefficient can be defined as the ratio of full-load displacement to total deadweight. Typical values vary from 1.20 for tankers to over 1.50 for general cargo ships.

  3. Depends on the size of the ship. Type of cargo, how it's configured. You can have a huge ship carrying stuffed animals that has a very small density. Or how about a ship carrying auto's? Auto's have a lot more mass and are more dense than cotton/polyester.

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