
What is the maximum capacity for a 9x12 ft office space with only one exit door (in a hospital envirminment).?

by  |  earlier

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I work in a hospital setting in an office which I have to share with many other coworkers. At any given time, there are 4 of us working out of that office. I was just informed that 2 more people are being relocated to this office. During the course of the day, nurses stop by to check on their schedule, turn in paperwork, etc. I want to know if there is a limit to the number of persons that can occupy an office of that size-- I know that establishments like restaurants have a limit so I want to know if the is a general guideline for othe spaces as well.




  1. It all depends on what codes your location follows.

    States and even municipalities will differ on which codes one is required to follow.

    If you can specify I might be able to direct you to the proper official or at least the code.

    Email me as I might not check this question again for further details.

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