
What is the maximum income to be eligible for low income housing?

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I live in South Carolina. I'm 18 and my SO is 21. We currently live in house with two roommates and the living situation keeps getting worse. No one can seem to make a compromise on how to get bills paid. My boyfriend currently makes less (about 6.50/hr) than anyone in the house, yet ends up paying more. Our other roommate, however, makes more than anyone (10-ish/hr) and seems to pay less.

Anyway, between me and him we make about 1500 a month, and we're trying to find our own place that we could afford. The cheapest place I've found so far is around $500. We've decided to try and look into low-income housing, but I'm worried we make too much for it. I'm not sure. I've looked quite a few places online but can't get a straight answer anywhere. Help? :(




  1. Some states for an individual would be around 25k-30k a year.

    If you have assets that would include as income also.

    Would you ever consider relocating? Places like Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, and a few other places in the u.s. have some of the lowest housing rates around.

    In these places you could rent a nice 2 bed apartment for $500, trailer homes, or even a few bedroom house for under a thousand. That would mean having to get new jobs though. Just a thought.  

  2. It's unlikely that you will qualify for Section 8 housing, but you very well could qualify for Tax Credit or Bond housing. And you will get into Tax Credit housing faster than Section 8, as well.

    See my post on Tax Credit Housing here:;...

    The problem you are having is that the income limits are set per median area. There's not just one for a city or county or state - they are set by geographical area - downtown would have one income limit, a suburb would have another, a rural area would have another.  Without knowing what city or town you are in, I can't give you a straight answer.  Your best bet is to look online for the South Carolina Housing and Tax Credit Authority and give them a call.  They can direct you to your local city government for information, or the local tax credit authority.

    Once you get a local source, you need to ask about "affordable" housing communities in your area.  They should have a list.

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