
What is the maximum score in a Snooker game.?

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No explanations please, just the number of the maximum score in snooker.




  1. if its me 3002

  2. strange - I actually thought it was 155.

  3. max score 155

  4. Without any foul shots 147 but it's possible to get 154

  5. 154 but not ever done so 147 is the normally accepted maximum break

  6. If the opponent does not make a foul shot 147 will clear the table.

    If the opponent makes all foul shots and does not pot any balls the score could go much higher. If you mean maximum break;

    "BREAK in snooker terms is defined as the points you score in a SINGLE visit at the table, and NOT the total score.

    The highest possible break is 147. And while it is true that you can get free-ball off a foul from the opponent, free-ball's pts are taken from your original object ball(e.g. if you putt a black as a free-ball in place of a red, that black counts as ONE pt).

    Another thing, for you to achieve the max break AND have a free-ball at the same time, your opponent must commit the foul on his very 1st shot(all reds still in place) AND place the white in a snookered position. Considering the red's position near the pink and black, this "snookered position" could only be directly behind either yellow,green,brown,or blue. If cue-ball is DIRECTLY behind another ball, why would you risk taking it when you can give it back to the opponent! Remember, in snooker it is very difficult to pot the object if it is too close to the object ball(except on straight line shots).

    * you can never get to choose black as your freeball when all the reds exist! Why? Think about it...).


    Premier Snooker League

    5 months ago - Report Abuse

  7. two hundred and eighty seven

  8. 147

  9. 155 with a free ball used as an extra red therefore adding an extra 8 points to 147

  10. its a 147

  11. 147....i think ronnie o sullivan got it twice r something;)

  12. The maximum score is almost limitless if your opponent were to keep on scoring... the maximum you can get for a break (1 visit to the table) is 147, this happens if you pot all reds and blacks following them, then clear the colours as well. Steve Davis made the first televised 147 against John Spencer in 1982, and the first in a world championship was by Cliff Thorburn. Ronnie O Sullivan has made 6 in his career. Steven Hendry had scored the most with 8. Hope this helped :)

  13. 162

  14. 155

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