
What is the maximum speed you have driven at the Autobahn?

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What is the maximum speed you have driven at the Autobahn?




  1. If there is no posted limit, the maximum speed is governed by what you are driving.

  2. You really want to know?

    It's 130 kmh. -.-

    What did you expect??? I was driving a 20 year old VW; almost as old as myself...

  3. Do you really have that much spare time?

  4. i was driving 280km/h with an audi tt realy nice felling belive me!

  5. Autobahn-Info


    PASSING is ONLY allowed on the LEFT! Please never overtake on the right side. This is dangerous, because nobody expects it. And: Tickets for passing on the right are expensive...... Stay on the right lane, if you do not overtake. You should not stay on the left lane after the overtaking, but move over to the right lane. On three lanes you may stay in the middle lane as long as there are slower vehicles on the right. Someone else drives in front of you comparativiely slow on the left lane? Sorry, you must wait. You may not pass on right. You may not flash your headlights - even if many others do so. Please do not stay on the left lane longer than needed. Always signal when changing lanes. See my notes on "Flashing the lights"  

    The end of an Autobahn.

    Here I've got some other requirements for the Autobahn: there are no intersections and no traffic lights. There is no max. speed if you see no speed limit signs. Trucks and every car with a trailer may drive max. 80 km/h. On the Autobahn it is forbidden to park, to stop, to reverse or to make U-turns.... Joining and leaving is only allowed at the official places.

  6. The maximum speed is 250 km/h. In Berlin as you suggested it is usually 80 but once you approach Berliner ring it increases to 100. There are places in Germany where you can drive 250 km/h. However it is not safe because many highways have only two lanes. The fast cars drive on the left and the small slow cars drive on the right. Sometimes when you go fast some little smart car or some other dinky little piece of **** will change lanes in front of you and you must hit the brake. It is nerving and I hate riding on the Autobahn fastly. The cars in Germany can go maximum 250 km/h. Warum willst das wissen? Das ist mir egal1! Du musst nicht antworten!!!

  7. There is no maximum speed on some Autobahns, the suggested speed for the Autobahn is 130 kph. There are also limits posted when you are close to a major intersection or city, usually 120 kph, but varies the closer you get to the city. Some older stretches have a maximum of 130. Cars pulling trailers and Lkw's (semi's) have a maximum of 100 kph. Some stretches also are varied, they have signs that change the speed limit from unlimited to 60 kph...again these are near cities and major intersections.

    Where there are posted speed limits, there are also very well hidden radar if you get blitzed by a red'll be receiving a speeding ticket in the mail with the license number of the auto and all passengers in the front seat. There is also roaming radar, if you get tagged you must pay the fine immediately. Any speeding infractions under 25kph over the posted limit are a normal speeding ticket...anything over is considered a criminal offence and you will be paying a very hefty fine (upwards from 500 Euro) and loss of driving privileges immediately (make sure there's someone else in the car with a driver's licence).

    Almost everybody is saying German cars are governed at 250 son-in-law (drives a fat beamer) and I drove the A6 between 260 & 290. I admit it's a little nervy. So if your car can go 300 kmph...go for it. The police will only stop you if you are driving dangeriouly or just driving like a jerk.

  8. hehe...nice question! it was something like 260 kmh, but dont ask how much mls this is... i just can tell u: it was fun!!!!

    try it, u'll love it

    so good to live in germany with all these autobahns :-D

  9. 240

  10. as fast as the car can go ..but make sure your in an area that alows that

  11. I haven't driven on the Autobahn yet--but my husband got our Jeep up to 120 mph.

  12. 176 mph

    Just under 300 km/h

    The Richtgeschwindigkeit is 130kn/h

  13. I personally have gotten up to 240 km/hr but there is no real speed limit on most autobahns. 130 is suggested.

  14. 165 km/hr. between Hannover and Berlin

  15. hmm.. I think it was 270 kph because the BMW had a regulator thingy connected to the engine that does not allow you to go faster - it was still greeeeeat! And only recommended very early in the morning in summer because then the autobahn is quite empty and it´s light already so you can enjoy the full experience!

    Thanks for the answer, you took me right back there, I can almost feel the steering wheel in my hand again! ha ha ha

  16. Posted signs tell you either 120 k´s (75 mls) or 100 or whatever.

    When there are no posted signs,the "RECOMMENDED SPEED"

    is 130 k´s (80 mls),but you can legally drive as fast as you like,

    considering your and the other drivers` safety.

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