
What is the maximum speed you have ever driven your auto mobile?

by Guest62826  |  earlier

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What is the maximum speed you have ever driven your auto mobile?




  1. Got pulled over doing 144 in my old Cougar when it was stock-140 is max speed stock (theyre never precise of course).

    After quite a bit of modding I maxed it out again but never tested how fast it was.

  2. I did over 145 in a 1994 Pontiac Grand Am.  My friend who I was trying to stay ahead of backed off at 145 and I was still puting space between us.  My speedometer only went to 120 so I don't know the exact speed.  By the way I still had another 2000 rpm's but I reached my exit and had to slow down.  I sold the car before I could ever find out the top speed.

  3. 145mph one time when I was very young and never again.

  4. I love the long open road so i go high speed in my cars.

    2007 Bentley GTC- 159 MPH going down the tollway. the manufacture says it can go 198 but i haven't tested that so far.

    2007 CTS- 138 MPH going down a two lane highway

    2007 SLR- 151 MPH going down a four lane highway.

  5. 120, its was the max from my rental. i drove it going to las vegas from LA . nice straight loooonnngg highway

  6. Way back when I was a teenager, my parents owned a retired police cruiser with a Hemi engine.  I took it out late one night to I-40 and floored it.  That old car could fly!  I'm not real sure how fast I got up to as the speedometer needle went past 125.  It scared me though and I haven't driven any vehicle over 80mph since.

  7. 145mph on a 1 lane road in mexico

  8. idk how fast i was actually speedometer taps out at 110 but i had the needle bouncing wildly off the 110 mark, i think i was going 120-130....this was just racing people down the interstate while i was on a road trip!

  9. The fastest I have ever gone is 85 mph but its my company truck.  I really didn't have the desire to have the engine running 5000 rpms without being able to drop that's just asking to throw a rod from over revving.

  10. 198 mph in a 1981 celica i had on the 1/4 mile drag strip had a 383 stroker with 671 mallory blower  d**n fast ride at 7 seconds flat consistently

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