
What is the maximum time an adult can stay underwater for?

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What is the maximum time an adult can stay underwater for?




  1. It depends: If you're alive: according to this site almost 16 min

    If you're dead: very very very long ;o))

  2. david blaine did it for like 7 something

  3. depends how your conditions and your long capacity is, a few years back I almost reached 5 minutes, but nowadays if I keep it up to 2 minutes I might be happy. or it might be I need to train more again :P

    but I know there are people who can hold it very long and they also do competitions with that.

  4. My husband can stay under for 30 seconds. I doubt anyone can stay under for more than 1 minute, unless they are extremely skilled and have a strange lung capacity.

  5. Forever :S

  6. like that guy said, the record is like 12 minutes or something, but im only 12, and once i held my breath for 2 minutes underwater. (im a swimmer btw) you just have to be really relaxed and breath in and out a few times, then just let your head float on the water (with your nose and motuh under the water of course) and dont do anything, just sit/stand there until you cant possibly hold your breath any longer, and once you get to that point wait 10 more seconds then come up.

  7. It depends on how full your SCUBA tanks are!  LOL

  8. with or without breathing apparatus??

  9. 2 minutes is the record.

  10. With hyperventilation, the record is above 10 minutes. Without hyperventilation I think it's closer to 8. I can do about 1 minute, which is average.

  11. There are several factors to take into account, such as the person's training, size, and ability to hold breath,  it's suggested that the Human brain can only withstand Four minutes without oxygen therefore usually within 6-8 minutes the brain could potentially be damaged, and eventually causing death near that same time.

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