
What is the maximun age to get circumsized?(sorry if i misspelled it)?

by Guest59381  |  earlier

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cause i'm not and wanted to know,i''m 31




  1. I don't think there is a limit for that,its like a normal surgery for a any age.

  2. There is no age limit, right from the newborn to the oldage it is done very causually for various reasons

  3. There isn't any maximum age.  

    However, I would urge you into looking into the complications and implications of this before you take this step.

    You can type circumstitions on your browser and see some of the complications that can result from circumcision, which is male genital mutilation, and diminishes sensitivity and sexual ability.

    At least you have a choice.    I was mutilated as an infant, and the resultant nerve damage made it impossible for me to achieve o****m in normal s*x.     That's why I advise others about it--I'm restoring my f******n and have regained a lot of sensitivity and orgasmic intensity as a result.

    It's your p***s, and your choice, but you should know about the consequences before taking that step.     Doctors are all too willing to perform circumcision on any man; they make money from it and are frequently members of the minority religious groups that try to impose this practice on others--they are biased.

    Doctors never give complete information about the complications, such as the skin will be too tight, there will be no mobility of it during s*x and masturbation, 50% of penile sensitivity will be gone, and this will decrease constantly for the rest of the victim's life.    Also, roughly 10% of circumcisions require additional surgeries to attempt to correct complications from the first surgery.

    Good luck to you.

  4. There is no maximum age if you are healthy. As in an operation there are risks from infection, bleeding and so forth. Older men often have f******n problems after having no difficulty for many years. In all my years as a doctor I have never seen these circumcisions in older patients turn out badly. This is a personal choice and requires much consideration.

    You would be wise to visit some circumcision groups and decide.My circumcision done at age 26, when I was a medical student was not medically necessary, but I have never regretted this choice. I felt that from what I had learned that the benefits outweighed the risks. I still feel the same way.Doctors are not keen to circumcise people just because it has been done in the U.S for years. It is available to you for many good reasons. If you want it at age 31, go for it and enjoy what it does. Just take lots of time to decide and become well-informed about it

    Best of luck

  5. there is no age limit.  you can get it done whenever you want.

  6. No max age regarding circumcision. It's more a matter of religious belief, tradition, & personal health.  

  7. I agree with Sagar. There is no age limit, I've heard of 80 year old men having it done. Who knows why? I'd rather not think about that too much.

  8. You can get it done at any age though I don't know why you would want it done!


  9. In theory it can be done at any age, but why would you want to? At 31?!

  10. A good age is between 14 and 17 because they are teenagers and they can heal faster.  

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