
What is the maxiumum you can earn in a week if on Benefits in the UK ?

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A good friend of mine is debating on taking a part time job but is unsure on what they are allowed to earn on a weekly basis without their benefits been cut back, I know it's a very fine line on how this works i believe it was around £20-30 but i'm not totally sure.

Any help on this matter would be great, thankyou




  1. depends on the benefit!

    if its income related benefit anything over £5/wk for single or £15/wk for family will be deducted from what they get. so its better to get the full-time job that work that way.

    if disability benefit  its  ÃƒÂ‚£45/week before the benefit gets stopped or for carers allowance its £75 week before benefit is stopped. Incapacity benefit is also £/45 week.

    best not to go part-time if on benefits but wait for a proper full-time job and use part-time for top ups or partners wages.

  2. It depends

    This varies depending on circumstances and the benefit being claimed.

    If on Jobseekers/Income support/Housing Benefit/Housing Benefit the disreagrded income is as below, therefater earnings are deducted poubd for pound from benefit:

    A single Person        5 Per week

    A Couple                  10 per week

    Higher Disreagard 20 per week

    The higher £20 earnings disregard

    People in certain groups, such as lone parents, carers and people with disabilities are eligible for the higher disregard. In addition, people in certain special occupations are also eligible for the higher disregard e.g. coastguards and firefighters in recognition of the services they provide and the potential hazards they face in undertaking these duties.

    Incapacity benefit:

    for less than 16 hours a week, on average, with earnings up to and including £88.50 a week for a 52 week period (but if get Housing Benefit as well see above)

    Carers Allowance 95.00 per week disregard

  3. £20 of her earning will not be counted. anything else will be deducted. if she earns too much she will have to apply for tax credits. for the best information call the DWP

  4. get full time sales job and earn ££££`s

  5. This is called the £20 disregard.

    Earn more than £20 and they will offset the difference against the benefit (i.e. If your friend earns £25 - their benefit will be reduced by £5).

    Your friend MUST inform the benefit office that they are working and provide proof of their earnings too,or technically they would be breaking the law.

  6. As far as incapacity benefit is concerned most people can do a maximum of 16 hours a week and earn no more than £85 a week before your benefit is affected.  It's called "Permitted Work" but you can only claim for a 52week period.    Contact your DWP local benefit delivery centre and they'll send you a PW1 form to fill in.

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