
What is the meanest animal alive? (Not counting humans)?

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What is the meanest animal alive? (Not counting humans)?




  1. I recently saw a show on PBS about the animals that kill the most humans without eating them.  The most dangerous animals to man (non-carnivore) are elephants, rhinos, Cape buffaloes, and hippos.  These are the "big four."  They kill more people than lion, tigers, bears, and crocodiles - combined!

    I guess they weren't counting all of the humans who die of malaria, encephalitis, and other mosquito-borne diseases.

  2. The Black Widow spider.

  3. hippos they have killed more people in Africa than anything else.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  5. According to the Website "Fun Animal Facts" the meanest animal in the world (and I am not sure how they define "meanest") is

    the Honey Badger of South Africa

  6. Lions.

  7. Rottweilers

  8. komodo dragons

  9. Broccoli and spinach

  10. tazmanian devils, because they can actually their their wife.

  11. The crocogator. It has the head of a crocodile on one end and the head of an alligator on the other. Both eat voraciously. As each end has a head, it has no anal opening. That's why it's the meanest animal.

  12. lions, tiger, bears, etc

    (but we are the worse! pollution, animal cruelty, etc

  13. When you say mean, I assume you refer to mood or general disposition. So:

    1. Geese

    2. Swans, actually I'd say they run neck and neck (get it?)

    3. Llamas

    4. Camels

    5. Mules, sort of

    6. Hornets

    7. Tea cup chihuahuas

    Actually the first four probably have shown the most reprehensible behavior of all. Certain primates too.

  14. My Cat

  15. wolverines or Tasmanian devils (probably the devils)

  16. Wolverines aren't mean, they're vicious.  

    Mean is doing something destructive without any reason to be destructive, just for amusement. Wolverines are vicious when it comes to killing for food or defending themselves or their territory. There's nothing mean about that.

    Birds that c**p on a newly washed car, now THAT is just mean.

  17. Wolverine

    It can kill a moose, isn't afraid of man and weighs less than 70lbs.

  18. 1. Wolverines

    2. Swans

    3. Dingos

    4. Baboons

    5. Hippos

  19. I knew someone was gonna say wolverine, and I agree.  But see what happens when you come between a female bear and her cubs!

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