
What is the meaning behind Fall Out Boy's next album title "Folie a Deux"?

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Just wondering what it means, why they chose it and how to pronounce it?




  1. Question for french people (i am) (it explains my english...)!

    Folie à deux = madness for 2

    don't now why they choose it, but pronounce it "folee ah deux"

  2. Folly a Doo. That's how you pronounce it.

    FOB posted a few things on FOE, including a specail announcement.

  3. /it's French for 'this one is gonna suck just as bad if not worse than the first one'

    lol I don't like FOB sry, but, Folie a Deux DOES  translate to "a madness shared by two"

    it's a medical term-

    Shared psychotic disorder, or folie à deux, is a rare delusional disorder shared by 2 or, occasionally, more people with close emotional ties. An extensive review of the literature reveals cases of folie à trois, folie à quatre, folie à famille (all family members), and even a case involving a dog

  4. Folie à deux basically means...'madness of two' or 'two sharing madness'.

    You can just say folly ah deuh. It's kinda like an "uh" sound with some 'oo' thrown in. Or the start of 'ewww'.

    It's a mental disorder where two people share the same delusion. I once dated a mental health nurse who was looking after two elderly people (a couple) who suffered from it. They lived in a house that backed onto a golf course and they both believed a monster made out of grass was attacking them. The disorder caused them to have psychotic episodes and they were harming each other or self-harming, I can't remember which, but as a result of this, they were hospitalised.

    I don't know why FOB named their album Folie à Deux. Not really that into their stuff, but I'd guess it has something to do with a co-dependent, messed up relationship.  

  5. "Madness Has Two"


  6. it means kinda like contagious.

    so the album man, every ones gonna catch it. lol

    i cant wait yo.!

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