
What is the meaning of OK ?

by Guest418  |  earlier

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What is the meaning of OK ?




  1. Most actual origin:

    -Orrin Kendall biscuits, which soldiers ate during the Civil War.
    -Short for Aux Cayes, a Haitian port that American sailors praised for its rum.
    -3. Old Keokuk, a Native American tribal chief who was said to have signed treaties with his initials.
    -4. OK stands for "all correct" or the illiterate phrase "Orl Korrect."
    -5. U.S. President Martin Van Buren's nickname "Old Kinderhook" -- OK for short. He was a native of Kinderhook, N.Y.
    -6. Choctaw word "okeh," (or "hoke") meaning "indeed" (or "It is so.")
    -7. Scottish "auch aye", meaning "ah yes." (Or "och aye," meaning "okay.")
    -8. From the French maritime phrase "au quai" meaning "at dock", and therefore at last safe from the ravages of the open sea.
    -9. '0 killed' - the report of the night's death toll during the First World War.
    -10. All clear after the shoot-out at O.K. Corral.
    -11. Instruments calibrated at an Observatory at Kew had, affixed to them, a stamp, or impression, to authenticate that calibration. This stamp was O K - Observatory Kew.


  2. Most actual origin:

    -Orrin Kendall biscuits, which soldiers ate during the Civil War.
    -Short for Aux Cayes, a Haitian port that American sailors praised for its rum.
    -3. Old Keokuk, a Native American tribal chief who was said to have signed treaties with his initials.
    -4. OK stands for "all correct" or the illiterate phrase "Orl Korrect."
    -5. U.S. President Martin Van Buren's nickname "Old Kinderhook" -- OK for short. He was a native of Kinderhook, N.Y.
    -6. Choctaw word "okeh," (or "hoke") meaning "indeed" (or "It is so.")
    -7. Scottish "auch aye", meaning "ah yes." (Or "och aye," meaning "okay.")
    -8. From the French maritime phrase "au quai" meaning "at dock", and therefore at last safe from the ravages of the open sea.
    -9. '0 killed' - the report of the night's death toll during the First World War.
    -10. All clear after the shoot-out at O.K. Corral.
    -11. Instruments calibrated at an Observatory at Kew had, affixed to them, a stamp, or impression, to authenticate that calibration. This stamp was O K - Observatory Kew.


  3. ok is abrivation of OBjection Kill .
    i hope u all understand .

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