
What is the meaning of Tings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe?

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What is the meaning of Things Fall Apart




  1. the meaning is: Life sucks and so does this book.

  2. Things fall apart is an Africal novel in English penned by Chinua Achebe, published in 1958 ( I am not sure of the year). "No longer at Ease" is its sequel...

  3. The fall of an African culture,in this case,the coming of Christianity versus traditional African worship.Okonkwo in the book stands for the traditional worship,Obierika stands for acceptance of christianity in his village.

  4. You will get long answers for this, but, without a lit class essay here.  It basically means entropy occurs.  That which is whole, beautiful, good will not always be so.  The cyclical nature of things requires that which is new to become old and die.

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