
What is the meaning of Zanshin????

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Definition please.




  1. In my karate class, Zanshin was taken to mean "Perfect technique". The practitioner should be in alignment with flawless technique from beginning to end and every moment in between.

    In a kata, Zanshin would be from the opening bow and ready stance, all the way through each of the kata's steps, to the closing bow.

  2. Yay... A real Martial Arts question.

    I do kyudo and aikido and in both we commonly talk about Zanshin.

    The Chinese characters directly mean "leave heart" but it needs interpretation rather than translation.  

    To directly answer your question... The definition in kyudo, I've heard, is "remaining spirit" and in aikido, the more practical "final position check". (spoken in broken english... I'm studying in Japan but barely speak Japanese)

    After you have completed a move, or shot an arrow, you hold the final position for a pause... maybe a few calm breaths.

    During this pause you: calm down, check your opponent's OK and pinned down (in aikido) and finally think about how your technique was.

    At higher levels it's a continuation of "empty mind/no thought" and staying in this moment/frame of mind.

    The most useful way of using it is: The final posture reflects your technique.  Your teacher will be able to tell you the perfect position to finish in.  If you don't complete the move in this perfect position, then you're making a mistake somewhere.

    I applied this to leaning golf and focused on my final position rather than hitting the ball.  It didn't make me an instant pro... but my shots did go straighter.

    So... It's a very useful element and applicable outside of martial arts too.

  3. Frank may want to check his source... That's the first two paragraphs of the Wikipedia article "Zanshin".

  4. In iaido (Japanese sword-drawing arts) its ranslated literally, zanshin means “left over or remaining heart / spirit”. Some give it a loose definition of “combative awareness” or words of similar meaning.

    Zanshin is a quality that is made up of several other basic ingredients that are necessary for proper budo practice i.e.:

    Shisei (posture); Metsuke (eye control); Ma-ai (engagement distance);

    Kiai (focused energy); and Ki musubi (connection).  

  5. Answering you has already been done by Frank the Tank who hit it right on the nose. No need to really add much more than that he is correct.

  6. Frank has it. It's a state of absolute awareness and signifies completing something without leaving anything behind. The mind is alert and like a mirror.

    For martial arts is it the completion of a technique, and the pause after it is completed.

  7. is a term used in the Japanese martial arts. It refers to a state of awareness - a state of relaxed alertness. The literal translation is remaining mind.

    In several martial arts, zanshin refers more specifically to the body posture after a technique is executed. In kyūdō for example, it means the remaining body posture after the shooting of an arrow. The body posture is intended to reflect the higher meaning of zanshin which is a mental aspect maintained before, during, and after an action.

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